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Cancer Support

'It's Cancer' are the two words that no one ever wants to hear.

Coping with cancer can be difficult, however there is help and support available. There are multiple agencies and organisations that can help support you with the emotional, physical and practical effects of cancer and how to manage them. 

If you are diagnosed with cancer, our GP surgery will write to you to offer an appointment for a Cancer Care Review; this is where we can discuss your diagnosis further with you and answer any questions you may have, or refer you to any services for any support you may require. We may also discuss advanced care planning with you, and put into place any wishes you may have for your future care.


You can contact your GP for help with any medical problems that come up when you're at home. They can also make referrals to nursing services for you if your condition deteriorates and you are no longer able to leave the house. 

Community specialist palliative care nurses include Macmillan and Marie Curie nurses and hospice nurses. They specialise in advice about pain control, sickness and other symptoms of cancer. They also give emotional support to you and your carers.
