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Living Life To The Full CBT

Living Life To The Full CBT can make a big difference to your life. It can help you manage your feelings when you are stressed, worried or depressed and learn simple practical skills to help you cope with life’s challenges.

This is a free six-session programme using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) concepts – the most evidenced-based talking therapy for people affected by low mood, anxiety or depression.

The programme has been developed by Dr Chris Williams, professor of psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and a recognised expert in developing self-help resources based on CBT. It introduces participants to the ‘Five Areas Approach’ which illustrates that events and situations in our lives affect how we think, how we feel, how we behave and also affect us physically.

Thinking and behaviour are the two areas that we have the most control over, if we tend to think and/or behave in extreme and unhelpful ways, it can adversely affect the other areas and lead to us getting caught in a ‘vicious circle’. The programme, therefore, focuses on how we can challenge and change our thinking and behaviour in order to turn the circle into a ‘virtuous circle’.

The course content teaches key knowledge in how to tackle and respond to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives
