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Patient Information Leaflet


Minor Injuries

Contact NHS 111 for Minor Injuries e.g. Minor Burns and scalds, broken burns of limbs, severe sprains/ strains, bites and stings, minor head injuries. 

NHS 111 Wales is available 24 hours a day, every day. You can call if you are feeling ill and unsure what to do.

The NHS 111 Wales website should be the public’s first port of call if they are ill or injured and unsure what to do. You can also access a wide range of health resources and information, such as the online symptom checker: Check Your Symptoms. More than 75 symptom checkers will suggest what is wrong and the next steps to take, from abdominal pain to anxiety, breathing difficulties to burns, diarrhoea to dizziness, fainting and fever.

If your health concern is urgent, highly trained call handlers on the free-to-call 111 number will also give you advice over the telephone, arranging a call back from a clinician if need be.

Using NHS 111 Wales first will reduce pressure on the 999 service and Emergency Department.

When to call 999

Do not hesitate to call 999 in the case of a genuine life-threatening emergency, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, unconsciousness or serious bleeding.

However, there are a number of other options for less seriously ill or injured people, including:

  • Visiting your local pharmacy
  • Ringing NHS 111 Wales by dialling 111
  • Visiting
  • Visiting your local GP

If you need to go to hospital, can you get there by car, public transport or taxi? You will not be seen any quicker at the hospital if you arrive by ambulance.

If you dial 999 for a problem which is not a genuine emergency, then you could be delaying our response to someone who is suffering from a life-threatening condition.

Many of the calls we receive are not life threatening emergencies. Please think carefully before you dial 999 - you can help save lives.

Dial 999 immediately for emergencies such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe loss of blood
  • Choking
  • Fitting/ convulsions
  • Drowning
  • Severe allergic reactions


Common Ailments Service

There are many conditions and injuries that don't require a GP appointment. These conditions and injuries can be treat at home by yourself or if you need further information or treatment, you can see you local pharmacist for free advice.

The Common Ailments service can be accessed directly through your local pharmacy. A pharmacist will be available to have a short consultation with you before advising you on how best to treat your illness. 

If you are suffering with an eye condition, you should visit your local optometrist (optician) first. They can provide you with a free NHS eye exam. More information and a list of opticians that offer a free eye check can be found here.

Who can access the Common Ailments Service

The scheme aims to help people who have a minor illness by providing treatment and advice. There are 27 conditions covered by the service. If your illness is not covered by the service, your pharmacist can still provide you with advice

Anyone who is staying in Wales for at least 24 hours after visiting the pharmacist can use the service.

Highly trained pharmacists have been empowered to provide services that are saving patients time and money, as well as taking pressure off overworked GPs. Pharmacies can now prescribe medication over the counter without the need for a GP appointment. They include flu vaccinations, stop smoking programmes, emergency contraception, and medicine reviews. 

Independent Prescribers Service 

Many patients forget that there is free health advice and support from their local community pharmacy without the need to speak to a GP or practice nurse. #HelpUsHelpYou

We now have 2 local pharmacies who are qualified to offer an Independent Prescribers Service (Judith Evans High Street Pharmacy, and Anuerin Evans WestQuay Pharmacy). They can help with many minor conditions and provide Free NHS treatment and a prescription if needed over a range of problems.

These independent prescribers can now offer advice and treatment for the following conditions:

  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Skin infections - impetigo, rash
  • Ear infections 
  • Sinusitis and sinus pain
  • Sore throat and tonsillitis
  • Eczema/ dermatitis
  • Shingles

You will require an appointment with an Independent Prescriber at your local pharmacy for an assessment and treatment. Simply call them to arrange an appointment for this service, which is usually offered weekdays.

Sore Throat Test & Treat Service

If you have a sore throat, or think you have tonsillitis, some pharmacies across Cardiff and Vale offer the Sore Throat Test and Treat Service.

This service means you can access appropriate assessment and advice for the management of a sore throat, and where appropriate, you will be supplied with antibiotics or other appropriate treatments without needing to see your GP. The pharmacist will ask you questions to decide if you need a throat swab.

The pharmacies that offer this service can be found on the NHS 111 Wales website by following this link and selecting ‘Sore throat test and treat’ from the filter column.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception is free on the NHS. Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if the contraception you have used has failed – for example, a condom has split or you have missed a pill. There are 2 methods:

  • the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill) – there are 2 types, Levonelle or ellaOne
  • the intrauterine device (IUD), or coil

Find your nearest pharmacy

Buying it: If you're aged 16 or over, you can buy the emergency contraceptive pill from most pharmacies, in person or online, and from some organisations, such as the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS). The cost varies, but it will be around £25 to £35.

If you require any further information about Sexual Health & Emergency Contraception, you can also visit our dedicated page here.



Mental Health


For urgent mental health support call NHS 111 and press OPTION 2. The number is free to call from a landline or mobile, even if you have no credit left.

The service is available for people of all ages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all areas of Wales to ensure those in need of support can access it quickly when they need it most. If you need to talk to someone urgently about your mental health, or you’re concerned about a family member, call NHS 111 and select option 2 to be placed in direct contact with a mental health worker in your area.

NHS 111 Wales Press 2        24/7, 365 days a year

For a full list of free and confidential Mental Health Support Helplines, see the Mental Health support leaflet.


SilverCloud is an online course which offers support for anxiety, depression, and much more, all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Anyone aged 16 or over can sign up at

CALL Mental Health Listening Line

Provides a confidential mental health listening and emotional support line which is open 24/7. CALL can also signpost to support in local communities and a range of online information. Call 0800132737, text “help” to 81066 or visit

Mind Active Monitoring

Provides six weeks guided self-help for, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and more. To get started, talk to your GP, any other health professional, or sign up directly at:


Community Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care.

Appointments are available from our Community Physiotherapist for patients with acute pain within 2 weeks, aged 16+: Neck, low back, elbow, wrist/hand, OA joint, frozen shoulder, whiplasg, ankle sprain, groin sprain, plantar fasciitis.

Ask reception for an appointment.

Local Optometrist (Optician)

 If you are suffering with an eye condition, you should visit your local optometrist (optician) first. They can provide you with a free NHS eye exam. More information and a list of opticians that offer a free eye check can be found here.

Wales Eye Care Services 
This website has been set up by the Welsh Government in order to promote the Wales Eye Care Services (WECS), a service which aims to minimise sight-loss in Wales by means of the following schemes; 

  • The detection of eye problems in susceptible individuals, such as those with a family history of eye disease, and ensuring urgent attention for acute eye problems via the Eye Health Examination Wales (EHEW) scheme. 
  • The provision of a low vision service, via the Low Vision Service Wales scheme, which is accessible to any patient with a visual impairment.

When am I entitled to a free eye examination?

You can have an eye examination for free if you have an eye problem that occurs suddenly. Under the Eye Health Examination Wales (EHEW) initiative you are entitled to have your eyes examined free of charge by a registered optometrist if you have an eye problem that occurred suddenly (acutely) which you think requires urgent attention.

Contact your Dentist

Everyone should have access to good quality NHS dental services. Contrary to belief, GP's cannot deal with Dental complaints as they are not qualified dentists.

There is no need to register with a dentist in the same way as with a GP because you are not bound to a catchment area. Simply find a dental surgery that's convenient for you, whether it's near your home or work, and phone them to see if there are any appointments available. Ask if you’re not sure whether the practice provides NHS care.

To find a dentist, you can:

Dental emergency and out-of-hours care

If you think you need urgent dental care, contact your usual dentist as some surgeries offer emergency dental slots and will provide care if clinically necessary.

You can also contact NHS 111, who can put you in touch with an urgent dental service.


