You can obtain a card or key fob by calling 029 2081 1370 or e-mailing your details to .
- Getting help from Social Services
- Getting help from Health Services
- Available support regarding work and leisure, money and legal matters, maintaining and adapting your home, transport, caring for someone who is terminally ill, emergencies and making a complaint.

Are you a carer for someone else? For someone with Dementia or Alzheimers? You may be a young carer for an adult in your life? or a Veteran? We have specialist information available for you, just choose the appropriate link below.
As a carer, you have the right to a Carer's Assessment
As rewarding as it can be, being a carer can also impact negatively on home and work life, free time and relationships. If you are finding it increasingly difficult to cope, there are different ways that we can help you.
Cardiff Council can offer you a free assessment of your situation to find out how to offer you support and meet your needs. Depending on the outcome of the assessment, we could help you with advice and support or access to other services.
They can offer to help you to:
- think about and talk through your caring responsibilities
- get help from other services - health and housing for example
- get in touch with other groups and organisations who understand about caring
- get information and advice, for example on benefits, income and your rights
After the assessment, can also consider:
- help to arrange a community alarm
- arranging activities for the person you care for
- registering you for the Carers Emergency Card Scheme
- arranging other services that give you a break - respite, day/night sitting or befriending

Carers Emergency Card Scheme Booklet
What is a Carers Emergency Card?
It's a credit sized card that you carry at all times. In case of an accident, sudden illness or if for any other reason you are unable to return home, and the person you care for would be at risk of serious harm if left alone, it shows that you have someone who relies on you and who cannot manage without help. The card is only used when you are unable to make arrangements yourself. Social care services will hold the emergency contact details taken when you register by making a brief phone call, help can be arranged for the person you look after.