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Medication and Condition Management Reviews

As part of our ongoing commitment to your health, we undertake an annual medication review on all patients on repeat medication and with certain ongoing medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes. You should receive a letter or email around your birthday month to invite you to be part of this process.


Repeat Prescriptions

A repeat prescription is a prescription for medication that you can order regularly without seeing a doctor each time. You can use a repeat prescription to re-order your medication with your doctors when you run low.

Benefits of repeat prescriptions

  • You can order your medicine when you need it, without having to see a GP every time 
  • You can avoid stockpiling medication 
  • You can ensure that you receive the correct medication in a timely manner 

    How do you order a repeat prescription? 

    Repeat prescriptions may be requested in writing only.

    This may be done by ticking the items on your repeat prescription list (it is the half of your issued prescription which is not retained by the Pharmacist) or by completing an in house prescription request form. You may also wish to email your requests to

    You may either post your request or place your request in the repeat prescription box provided in the foyer of the surgery. It will ready for collection after 3pm, 48 hours later, excluding weekends.

    • Only items on your repeat prescribing slip can be ordered
    • Items can only be ordered when they are due
    • If you need to order early because you are going on holiday, please clearly state this, to prevent any delay.
    • Please request your medications stating the name and dose as on your repeat prescription slip, as the name on the tablet box may be a "brand name" which is not necessarily the name on your repeat prescription slip.
    In Person

    Prescription requests can be handed into the surgery.

    A secure post box is attached to the entry gate on the right side of the carpark.  

    Alternatively you can hand your request directly to one of our receptionists. You may need to wait in our queue until a receptionist is free. 

    By Post

    Prescription requests can be posted directly to our practice. Our address can be found in the About Us section of our website. 

    We are also happy to re-post your prescription to you once completed, provided a Stamped Addressed envelope is included with your request. 

    Please be aware that there will be a delay in your prescription being received and processed due to the Royal Mails services.  

    Online Services

    Prescriptions can now be ordered online in one of three ways.

    You may not be able to order some prescriptions if:

    • You need a medicine review
    • it's too early to order your medication
    • it's an acute (short-term) or one-off prescription
    • you have a repeat dispensing prescription

    You can contact us for more information, or to find out what to do next to order your prescription. You may be advised to book a medication review with one of our clinicians; once an appointment has been confirmed the practice will be able to offer you an interim script of your repeat medication.


    Acute Prescriptions

    Acute prescriptions are for items which are required to alleviate an acute problem that has just arisen. Consequently, the majority of acute prescriptions are issued during surgery consultations and are only for short term use.

    Repeat prescriptions differ from acute prescriptions in that, after your GP has first prescribed your medicines, you can request future installments of medication without having to attend an appointment.

    In some instances, where an acute problem has not yet resolved or recurred, an acute prescription may be requested in writing from the practice WITHOUT the need for a further appointment. This includes such medications as creams for eczema and fungal infection, and tablets for recurrence of gout or herpes simplex infection.

    The practice is unable to issue acute prescriptions for antibiotics, unless a clinical assessment has been undertaken. Antibiotics are medicines used to treat or prevent infections caused by bacteria. Your doctor will only prescribe antibiotics when they’re really needed. This is for your own health and to prevent the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance. It’s very important for everyone to use antibiotics correctly.

    A clinician will assess your written request for acute medication and the reason that this is required, and one of two outcomes will be decided:

    • acute medication is issued following written request. This process will take 48 hours
    • request for medication is refused as a further consultation and clinical assessment is required

    To request acute medication from your GP surgery, this can either be requested in writing and posted into the practice or emailed to

    My Surgery App also has a form available to request acute medication, which can be found at the bottom of the home page.

    Alternatively, the Common Ailments Service can offer Over the Counter medication for a wide range of minor illness, including thrush, hayfever, acne and eczema. This is a free NHS service that covers 27 common ailments which is offered by all pharmacies in Wales, without the need for a GP appointment. 


    Hospital Prescriptions

    When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive 7 to 14 days' supply of medication.This will include the medication which you require after your treatment.

    The hospital may provide you with a yellow discharge letter for medication they would like you to request from your GP. Please bring this to the surgery or post via S.A.E. before your supply of medication has run out as these requests take 72 hours to process. Please ensure your name is on the yellow discharge letter to ensure we can process the request for you.

    Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by a Clinician first, and if necessary will issue you with a prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue your presciption as soon as possible, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by a Clinician.


    Private Prescriptions 

    We are receiving numerous requests from patients to have medication that has been prescribed to them privately issued on the NHS.

    The Practice Of Health DOES NOT have to issue any private prescriptions that have been issued or recommended by a private practitioner. Patients are expected to pay the full cost of any treatment they receive in relation to the care provided privately; consultation fees, diagnostic tests (e.g. requests for blood tests, BP check, ECGs, etc.), drugs prescribed or treatment provided by a clinician in the course of a private consultation should be at the patient’s expense.

    Our GPs may consider and agree to take over prescribing once you have been discharged by your private consultant. We can only do so if you have been discharged appropriately, and the treatment you are receiving falls within the scope and recommendations of the NHS. If your episode of private care is ongoing, or the consultant has discharged you prior to the completion of your care, we will not be able to get involved. Ultimately, it is down to the doctor’s judgment on whether we are able to take on the clinical responsibility of their medication. There are many factors that the GP has to consider, however if you disagree with their judgement you may contact the practice manager, who can arrange for a second opinion.

    It is worth noting that there are numerous exceptions where we cannot issue a prescription for you in any circumstances; not all medicines are available on the NHS, and some medicines can be dangerous and require careful monitoring that cannot be undertaken in primary care.

    Current guidance can be found below:


    Repeat Dispensing

    Are you fed up with coming to your GP for your monthly repeat? 

    • Has your repeat medication changed in the last 6 months?
    • Do you take more than 4 oral medications on repeat?
    • Have you been in hospital in the last 6 months?

    If you can answer NO to all these questions, then you may be suitable for the "REPEAT DISPENSING" scheme.  Repeat Dispensing is a new way that patients taking regular medications can get them without asking their doctor for a prescription each time (providing you meet the required criteria).

    How does Repeat Dispensing Work?

    Your doctor will give you an “authorising” repeat prescription form and a number of repeat dispensing issue forms. The authorizing form will be marked RA, and will be signed by your doctor. This form will authorise a number of repeat dispensing issues and may specify the intervals at which those repeats are to be dispensed. The repeat dispensing forms will be marked RD, will not be signed, but will indicate that they are one of a number of a number of issues associated with the authorised repeat prescription form.


    Please speak to one of our receptionists, or our deputy manager, who will be able to advise further. An appointment may be required with one of our clinicians to make the arrangements if a further review of your medical records is required. 


    Nominate a Pharmacy

    When you request your medication, you can have your prescription sent to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination. 

    Once you have nominated a pharmacy:  

    • you will no longer need to collect paper prescriptions from the practice. 
    • your nominated pharmacy will receive your prescriptions until you tell us to change or remove your nominated pharmacy. 

    Please inform reception if you would rather collect your medication direct from a pharmacy. A consent form is available at our reception desk to complete in order to nominate a pharmacy for your prescriptions to be sent directly to, or can be downloaded from here.

    Alternatively, you may wish to speak with your preferred pharmacy to sign up for a prescription collection, whereby your pharmacy will order, collect and deliver your prescription to you where suitable. 

