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Physiotherapy & MSK

Community Physiotherapy

If you have a muscle or joint problem why not book an appointment with our community based physiotherapy team rather than with a doctor. Our reception team can make these arrangements for you, just call the practice directly and we will book your first appointment with our cluster Physiotherapist.

Our team of experienced physiotherapists are available daily for telephone triage, or face to face appointments, and advise on all muscular and joint problems in adults. They can organise direct referrals into the hospital-based Physiotherapy Service, arrange relevant x-rays and scans, and even book joint injection appointments.

If you have an immediate issue for an on the day appointment, or for ongoing or more chronic conditions, you may need to arrange an appointment with your GP. 

If you would prefer to be referred directly into the hospital-based Physiotherapy Service, you can attend the practice and ask for a self-referral form at our reception desk (this form is also available on our website; search for Physio Self-referral); this self-referral can be completed by yourself, and once returned to the practice our secretary will send off the referral on your behalf to the Physiotherapy Team for review.

Please be aware of the lengthy waiting times to be seen by a Physiotherapist Specialist by means of self-referral; this is why we would recommend an appointment first with one of our clinicians who can appropriately triage your medical needs and prioritize your referral.


Helpful Online Resources

You can now also visit Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s new digital rehabilitation resource Keeping Me Well, which has a tonne of information that you can access to help keep yourself fit and healthy, and is a dedicated self-management resource here to support you on your journey to keeping well.  

Keeping Me Well  

Keeping Me Well Physiotherapy


TRAK Physio - Visit TRAK Physio to find exercises for specific body regions and musculoskeletal conditions

Versus Arthritis - Further information on managing symptoms related to arthritis

We Are Undefeatable - Being active while managing any long-term health condition

