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Warts & Veruccae

Wart & Verrrucae treatment



Duct / Duck tape is a new, simple method of treating warts on the hands. You can buy duct tape at a hardware store, or you can use any strong, sticky, waterproof tape. According to one study (Archives of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2002;156:971–4), duct tape is as effective as other treatments, such as freezing.


  • Cut a piece of tape the same size as the wart and stick it on.
  • Leave it for 6 days.
  • then remove it in the evening. After removing the tape, soak your hand in warm water, then gently rub with an emery board. 
  • Leave the tape off overnight, then apply a new piece for another 6 days.
  • Continue this routine for 2 months


In the study, 85% of the warts disappeared with this treatment and most did so within 4 weeks.

Alternatively, you can seek free treatment from the Common Ailments Service which is available at all pharmacies within Barry.

